There may be a couple of you out there who are wondering what you’re credit score is. I know a while back my husband was curious and ended up getting charged for his “free” credit score even though they promised he wouldn’t be (he ended up getting it reversed, but it was just a pain).
Credit Sesame is a 100% free personal finance credit and debt management tool which will give you your credit score from Experian with no credit card required or trial period. I can verify this because I just did it myself! I had to answer a couple of basic questions for them to verify my identity, but I did NOT have to give them a credit card. (And all of these symbols below mean your information is protected.)
This is a very nice tool if you’re looking to help get your credit card debt under control as well, as they have a number of options to help you with that. But if you all you want is your credit score, you can have it in 5 minutes with NO credit card taken from you.
Go HERE to get your free credit score.
I just did it and it was super easy! Thank you for this!!