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Every day I send out a daily email that includes all of the posts I have made for the previous 24 hours. This is a free daily email. To subscribe, fill out the form below. Then, check your email to confirm the email that I sent you. Once you confirm the email, you will begin receive Addicted to Saving’s daily email. Enjoy! 🙂
I am a new subscriber but I keep up to date with you on Facebook!
New subscriber since you changed e-mail companies.
existing and the information you give is great!
current subscriber
I am a new subscriber and brand new to couponing. Thanks to you I scored my first free items yesterday – toothbrushes! Thanks! 🙂
You are welcome! Awesome job scoring free toothbrushes! Let me know if I can help you during your couponing journey! 🙂
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I am a new subscriber
I receive your daily e-mails and they are just the best! saving money…thanks to addicted to saving!!
I receive your daily email and tell everyone that will listen about how wonderful your site is.
Officially subscribed 🙂
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All set!
existing follower on twitter
existing follower on fb and shared with my friends as I do with most of ur AWESOME posts 🙂
i am an existing subscriber. I look forward to your post everyday. thank you
I am a new subscriber! Thank you for everything you do!
I am already an existing subscriber.
I subscribed to email.
I just subscribed to your daily newsletter!
I liked ATS on FB!
I am an existing subscriber. I would buy my kids Christmas gifts with the $300 This year we are very tight on money so the $300 would help us a lot
Would love to help my daughter-in-law in MA save money. She shops mostly at Market Basket. She has 4 little ones & doesn’t have the time for couponing. Is there a site up that way that would tell me upcoming sales so I could put the coupons together & send them? Thanks for your help.
I’m a new subscriber 🙂
I’m a new subscriber!!! 😀 thnx to mylitter for bringing me here!
I am a new subscriber and I’ll spend the $300 buy Xmas presents for charity and my what’s left over for my children!!! Thank u 4 da opportunity!!!!
I signed up for your emails
I would use the money to buy my kids something for Christmas and use some for books or gas as I am a single mom and a college student. I am a new newsletter subscriber.
I am a new subscriber and new to couponing. Looking forward to your newsletter.
I’m a new subscriber. 🙂
Im new to subscriber and i cant wait for email 🙂
i am new to this blog, but happy i found you
Been a follower for a while now. Would use that cash for clothes and toys for my two grandchildren.
I am a new subscriber. I purchased my first free item at Shoprite last night. It was a Colgate toothbrush on sale for 66 cents. I had a dollar coupon so it was free! One little item for free made me one little happy camper!
I receive your emails
I am a subscriber and love all the tips you share.
I am a subscriber. I love saving money. 🙂 I would use the money to get my car worked on so I could go see my sister (our parents are deceased).
I’m a new subscriber! I’ve been couponing for about two months now! 🙂
If I won $300, I would spend it by paying off some debt and buying Christmas presents!! I would also donate some to the family we’re adopting for a campaign at my job!
New subscriber
I am new to this site
Your subscription is now active!
I signed up for your emails
I joined. By the way IHTM sent me.
If I had the 300 dollars I could pay a bill and get my wife some thing too don’t care about me I have enough junk.
I am a new subscriber to your email newsletter
I would spend it on graduation from college for my son.
i am new to your newsletter
I am a new subscriber.
Follow you everday! Thank you! ?
took one of your classes and follow you daily. Thanks for all you do for us.
love your site
existing subscriber = thanks for all you do !
Existing subscriber – Love all the great info!
current subscriber 🙂
Always watching for new deals!
I am a new subscriber.
existing subscriber
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I am already a subscriber to your daily newsletter – Thank you!
I am a subscriber already. I follow your posts on Facebook everyday and I also check your Daily emails. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I love couponing and saving my family money!!
I’m an existing subscriber and I’m so happy I am!!!!
subscribed daily newsletter
I am already signed up to receive the emails. I am an existing fan!
Current subscriber. I’m already signed-up.
Existing Subscriber & I am so glad you have this site to help us save money.
New Suscriber to your email; but I have been reading your blog for awhile now!
an existing member.
Existing fan.
I am new to the daily email-but
I follow on FB
New to the email but I am read on everyday on FB.
I am a current subscriber. I enjoy seeing all the places for savings.
New subscriber to the E-News letter and I am an existing fan on your Facebook.
current subscriber!
i mean new subscriber! lol =)
I, too, am a new subscriber but keep updated on facebook
Iam a new subscriber. YAY!!
New subscriber! Yay me!! Can’t wait to see other specials! Thanks!!
new subscriber
I am a current subscriber, and I have saved alot because of this website. thank you
I am a new subscriber but I follow you on facebook. I would use the gift card to get my kids some spring/summer clothes 🙂
I am a current subscriber.
I am a new subscriber a friend shared a post of yours
I am a new subscriber/member. If I win $200 I wouild put it to good use. I would buy many things I need.
New, but I have been following you for almost a year now…
I am a new subscriber/member. If I win your $200 Visa card, it would be great! I would buy some things on the internet and have fun looking.
New subscriber to emails, follow Facebook and the blog!
new subscriber. I would love to win the gift card because it is my birthday on Friday March 2, and I would use it to go to the purchase of the house (built in 1959) that my we just went under contract for. We have to clean it up REALLY well and do some repairs… so the money will go to great use!!!
current subscriber.
I am a new subscriber.
i am a new email subscriber however i read your page almost daily!
Even though I follow you on facebook, I am a new e-mail subscriber.
existing customer and use you for Publix every week!
new customer and use the website for the awesome deals and coupons
I would use the $200 Visa Card to help with the new landscaping of my front yard.
New member and loving it!
New and thankful for all the info’s and giveaways.
This is awesome. I am new to your site. Thank you for this chance to win. I definitely would NOT use the card on a purse….lol But on more needful things like gas and food. Thanks again. CR
hi! I am a new subscriber! 🙂
I am a new subscriber to the newsletter
im new to coupon and love your site. on it about 10 times a day. so thank you for all your help. couldnt do this with out you
New subscriber to newsletter.
i am a current member. I really enjoy the show and tell.
current subscriber
New subscriber.
I follow on facebook but I am new to the email list !!
i follow u everywhere but im new to the email list !!! thanks again..
im new but i have u on fb !!!
im new but have u on fb!!!
I am a current subcriber.
new subscriber! 🙂 but I already follow through facebook
im a new subscriber but i follow you on Facebook.
Ever since i can’t believe just how much freebies i get almost everyday!!! Thanks so much!!
I’ve also been a subscriber and follow you thru e-mails and on FB
Existing subscriber – thanks for all your help!
Already a subbie
I am a current/existing subscriber of your daily emails. Your site always has clear instructions for giveaways, deals and coupons.
Thanks for being so meticulous with info you share with us.
I’m already an e-mail subscriber….and it is GREAT!!
I’m running out to get Cheerios!
existing and went to ur class
Facebook fan – new subscriber.
Existing subscriber ~ thanks to your mom! (Betty in WPB)
Existing 🙂
already subscribe to Addicted to Savings
I am a current subscriber.
I’m a new subscriber.
already a subscriber
already a subscriber
I am already a subscriber
Already a VERY HAPPY subscriber! Thanks for all you do :o)
I am a new subscriber to emails
Current subscriber. Love this site.
I look forward to my “Liza” email every day at 4:00 !!! I have followed for a long time !!
I’m a new subscriber!
Ready to seriously begin couponing
I am an existing subscriber!
New subscriber but follow you on FB
I’m a new subscriber <3!!!
I’m a newbie & can’t wait to start receiving your emails, I love everything I have seen so far!!
I am a new subscriber but keep update on facebook
I already subscribe and love your posts!
new subscriber
a VERY happy existing subscriber from West Palm Beach
Excited to be receiving email also now!
I am an existing and very thankful member 🙂
new subscriber
subscriber to your weekly updates, now also to the daily!
I am an existing member.
I am already a happy subscriber!
I’ve been with you for almost two years. Thanks for all you do.
I am an existing subscribing. Thanks for all your hard work and tips!
I am a current subscriber.
I am an existing subscriber.
New subscriber, but I already follow on Facebook
I have been a subscriber for awhile and thank you for helping me cut down my grocery budget. I recently had to take a pay cut so couponing has helped fill that gap!
I love everything about Chic-fil-a, as I’m originally from the area it all started. Thanks again!
existing & love the site
I’m a new subscriber. I love savings and giveaways!
Existing Subscriber.
I’m an existing member of Addicted to Saving and I love their savings tips and I love Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets.
a very happy existing member
I am already a subscriber.
existing member and glad to be one!
existing member
How do I unsubscibe?
Mg, your email is not in our database so I am assuming that you were able to unsubscribe. Let me know if you have any questions.
I love this site! Thank you for all your hard work, it’s so rewarding when you score a great deal and you make it so easy for us! I don’t ever think I’ll pay full price again!!
Thank you Mackenzie! I am grateful for your kind words. 😀
I am a new subscriber still trying to figure everything out.