Has anyone tried Ironman before? There is an awesome $1.00/1 printable coupon available which will get you FREE Ironman Pain Management at Walgreens this week! To print out your coupon, go HERE. Click on “sweepstakes” on the bottom right of your screen. Enter the sweepstakes and you will then be able to access your coupons!
$5 RR WYB Ironman Spray 3oz or Gel 3oz, $5.99 Minus $1.00/1 printable Total due: $4.99, receive $5RRs, makes it FREE!To see all of this week’s Walgreens sales/coupon matchups, go HERE!
Thanks The Coupon High!
I just went to Walgreens and purchased the Goody headband and one ironman spray. I used the $1 printed coupon for the ironman and paid with register rewards from last weeks Gillette/old spice sale. (4.50) The RR for the Goody product printed but not the ironman. Any idea why? I cannot figure it out! The ironman product is not P&G. Do you think it was the $1 coupon messing it up? thanks
Hi Sarah! I have no idea why it didn’t print out! Did you ask the cashier or speak with a manager? The $1.00 coupon shouldn’t have messed it up? What explanation did they give you for this? If I were you, I would call and speak with the store’s manager and ask why you didn’t receive the RRs…
I went to this site and I don’t see the coupon!
Please help.