Celebrate Earth Day at Nordstrom! Go HERE to get more information on how to get a FREE Kiehl’s Lip Balm. You need to bring an empty bottle, jar or tube from a beauty product to score this freebie!
FREE Kiehl’s Lip Balm at Nordstrom When You Bring In A Used Beauty Bottle!
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Thank You. I am going to International Mall for Earth Day. I will go to Nordstroms for Kiehls lip balm by bringing in an empty beauty container. Then head to Origins with another trade in a face product container to receice a cleanser. Then on to Sephora for a trade in for a origins lotion. Oh and I have empty MAC containers for a free lipstick at the MAC store.I will end the day at Cheesecake Factory where I recently purchased a discounted gift card thanks to my online email friends! And most important is the Addicted To Savings seminar I so look forward to Thursday in Clearwater!! Thanks,Diane