I woke up this morning to receive an email from Kraft First Taste telling me that they wanted me to try both Triscuit Thin Crisips and Wheat Thins Stix. If you have signed up for Kraft First Taste, check your account to see if you have the freebie waiting for you too! (The freebie typically comes in the form of free coupons via mail.) I actually haven’t been able to confirm that I have the coupon waiting for me in my account because their website is going S L O W. So, be patient if you plan on logging in. And – if you haven’t yet signed up for Kraft First Taste you should! It is free and throughout the year you will receive FREE products and high value coupons! Go HERE to login/register.
FREE Triscuit & Wheat Thins on Kraft First Taste?
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Their website was super-slow for me too yesterday, but as of this morning, I was able to request the coupon for the free sample. Can’t wait! I love getting free stuff from Kraft about every month!
I couldn’t find the request for coupon for the free sample. Where is it located?