Wow – we have a HOT deal on laundry detergent at Target! There’s a new mail-in rebate we can use to get a bottle of FREE Purex PowerShot laundry detergent!
To get the rebate, you have to purchase the laundry detergent by 6/30 and mail the form in by 7/31.
Buy one Purex PowerShot Laundry Detergent, 45 oz., $3.99
Minus one 10% off Purex Product Target Cartwheel Offer (through 4/25)
Pay $3.59 and submit for Purex PowerShot Mail in Rebate, up to $3.99
Total Due (after rebate): FREE!
- Check out other TARGET DEALS and FREEBIES while you’re on Addicted to Saving!
Thanks, Coupon Pro!