Have a cat? We have an awesome deal on cat treats right now! You can pick up bags of Friskies Party Mix treats for as low as $0.38 at Target after Target Cartwheel Offer and coupon!
Buy two Purina Friskies Party Mix, $1.49
Minus one 25% Off Purina Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats Target Cartwheel Offer
And minus one BOGO Purina Friskies Party Mix, 3/29 SS (will deduct $1.49)
Total Due: $0.75 or $0.38 each!
Buy (3) Purina Friskies Party Mix, $1.49
Minus one 25% Off Purina Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats Target Cartwheel Offer
And minus one $1/3 Purina Friskies Party Mix printable coupon
Total Due: $2.36 or $0.78 each!
- Check out other TARGET DEALS while you’re on Addicted to Saving!
Thanks, Totally Target!