The imaware Women’s Health & Wellness test measures a broad spectrum of biomarkers to help provide a comprehensive view into your overall health. This test reviews your overall cholesterol profile and also measures your overall inflammation. Biomarkers include HDL, LDL, triglycerides, hs-CRP, HbA1c, fasting glucose, and more. We know health and wellness is a function of many factors, and the imaware™ tests measure the basic functions to give individuals the knowledge to obtain optimal health – even making them aware of potentially life-altering diseases. When it comes to health, knowledge is power. Testing for general wellness allows a baseline to be established and an understanding of areas that can be improved upon – also allows a health care provider to assess any potential health risks and personalize treatment. Instead of nagging a loved one to visit the doctor for annual checkups, individuals can take control of their (and partners/spouses or parents’) health paradigm from the comfort of their own home.
imaware Women’s Health & Wellness Test
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