It’s funny how I can be SO SO diligent each month to only buy groceries when they are on sale AND I have a coupon. I will forgo luxury items because I know that at some point in the near future, they will be on sale and I can stock up at that point. I have even given a look of horror when my husband convinced me to buy a $1.00 box of candy at Walgreens to use as a “filler item” (for couponing newbies, filler items are supposed to be as cheap as possible)… And yet, this time of year comes around and I immediately forgo said diligence by buying 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Samoa’s, Thin Mints and Tagalongs for those who are wondering 😉 No coupons. No sales. 3 boxes of FULLY PRICED, marvelous Girl Scout cookies. At least I only bought 3… last year I bought 8 so I am proud that I showed some sort of restraint this year. Haha. I will be adding these numbers to my monthly spending column. Total Spent: $10.50. Total Saved: BIG FAT 0%. Has anyone else hurt their monthly budget by splurging on Girl Scout Cookies this month??
Girl Scout Cookies and my food budget…
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Jordan says
You’ve got time to add 5 more.
JIll says
It was only 3! Thanks for supporting Girl Scouts! Remember that the 0% fat saving is for a great cause!!!!!!! PS-I can hook you up with more! Cookie Booths start this weekend!!!! 🙂
Liza says
It’s no longer 3 boxes.. It’s down to 2 and 2/3 boxes. And, yes, within the past 2 hours, I managed to eat 1/3 of a box all by myself!! LOVE THEM!!
Stockpiling Mom says
It also killed me to pay retail for 3 boxes and that was my limit too…LOL!
Colleen Fontana says
Two of our girls are in two different Troops, each selling cookies!! If that isn’t enough, our oldest girl’s troop had a goal for each scout to sell 225 boxes!! They are earning their way for a trip to Savannah, GA to visit the home of the founder of Girl Scouts….need I say more??? 🙂