Have you tried Groupon yet? You probably notice that I have been posting Groupon deals almost every day for the past two months or so. I LOVE Groupon and the deals are usually really good. I have purchased quite a few deals and I have had a blast with all of them. I know a lot of you have emailed me asking how Groupon works so I thought I would explain everything. Basically, all of the major cities throughout the country (and overseas) have daily Groupon deals. The deals range from restaurant deals, to fun local activities to spa deals to hotel deals, etc the possibilities are endless. The deals change every day. Each deal throughout the week lasts for 24 hours. In order for the deal to go through, a select, predetermined number of people have to purchase the deal. Once the predetermined number of people have purchased the deal, the deal is “on”. Grouponhas gotten so popular that very seldom do I see a deal not go through. However, if one doesn’t go through, you will not be charged since you are not charged until the deal is on.
Go HEREto sign up and request to receive a daily email with Groupon’s deal in the city closest to you. AND, stay tuned to Addicted to Saving. I try to post Groupon deals almost every day with some of the highlights of my favorite deals across the U.S. Let me know what kind of deals interest you so that I can make sure to post them!
Groupon is great!
You can also look for “second hand” groupons on http://www.lifesta.com . Or sell your unused groupons there if you won’t be able to use them.
I hope that woman is not feeding her child sushi!
Haha. Your comment made me giggle Heather! 🙂
Hey, kids in Japan eat sushi all the time 🙂
I wish I started loving sushi as a kid! I didn’t realize I loved it until I was a 28ish? 🙂
Lifesta is interesting. There is another site I’ve used like that called http://www.DealsGoRound.com. It was free.
yay! I have a groupon to sell so I looked at these second hand groupon sites – thanks for the tips! seems like dealsgoround is like a craigslist so I still have to deal with selling the coupon. lifesta looks like it would actually do the selling for me so I wouldn’t mind raising my groupon price by a couple of bucks and have them worry about selling it.