Have you joined Ibotta yet? What are you waiting for! It’s super simple to make cash from Ibotta (not points, not awards, but cold hard cash) deposited into your Paypal account within days of opening your account.
Ibotta has been featured on Good Morning America and Google Play, and in just a few months since its release last fall, Ibotta users have earned well over $500,000.
So how does Ibotta work?
- Before shopping, choose your favorite products and complete the tasks; the more you complete, the more cash you’ll earn.
- Buy your chosen products at over 41+ retailers where Ibotta works like Target, Walmart, CVS and your favorite grocery stores (yes, Publix is a part of Ibotta).
- After checking out, verify your purchases by uploading a photo of your receipt and scanning the product’s barcode.
Ibotta adds new product offers all the time, so just check your offers consistently to make the most of the offers. I try to highlight Ibotta deals when I can on Addicted to Saving as well.
Go HERE to get sign up and start putting cash in your pocket today!
**Side Note** I love doing the Ibotta scanning. Hubby cracks up at my enthusiasm. 🙂
How does Ibotta work with Buy one get ones? If you buy one item and submit an ibotta for that item then get another item free that ibotta has an offer for. Can you redeem an offer on the free item? – See more at: http://dealsinthemitten.com/how-does-ibotta-work/#sthash.0EFI9QvP.dpuf
Hannah, do you mean separate items or the same item? Ibotta only allows one redemption (so if you buy two of the same item you can only redeem once).
Separate items. There are two quilted northern toilet paper offers for two kinds of quilted northern toilet paper. One offer for the ultra soft and strong and another for the ultra plush.
Ahhh…then yes, you should be able to submit for both. I’ll try to find the FAQ section for you that mentions this.
The best articles on this are here – https://ibotta.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/746677-how-many-offers-can-i-redeem-.
And here – https://ibotta.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/966763-can-i-buy-multiples-of-a-featured-item-.
Unfortunately, they still don’t answer your question! My best guess based on these articles is that b/c they are different products, you can redeem them both, even though you’re getting one item for free. I suppose the best thing to do is try and let us know if it worked! 🙂
It worked! 🙂 Thanks for getting back to me!
Yay! 😀