Before I started paying attention to sales, coupons, budgetting, etc, I would go shopping…. sometimes with a grocery list, sometimes without…. and I would pretty much buy whatever was on my list or whatever I was especially craving at the moment. I always tried to stick with items that were on sale, but if my grocery list called for items that weren’t on sale, I didn’t sweat it – I would buy them anyway. I would go to the checkout line, put my items on the conveyor belt and estimate in my head how much my total bill would be. Usually, the bill would be higher than I anticipated. And sometimes, I would gulp not knowing if my bank account would cover the $150 of groceries I just bought! I would go home feeling dejected by the amount of money I just spent especially compared to the small amount of items I actually purchased. When it came time for my husband and I to put together a budget, I realized right away that the amount of money we were spending each month on groceries was just too much. I was determined to save more money. Through all of my research I realized that as I saved money, I would actually be able to increase the amount of groceries I received. What a crazy concept! The old Liza: spent too much money on what seemed to be just a little bit of groceries… while the new and empowered Liza: spent way too little money on what seemed to be a TON of groceries!
I know what you are thinking. This sounds too good to be true. You are also thinking that if it is true, and if you can actually save a ton of money, you will have to spend hours and hours doing research, cutting coupons and studying sales flyers, and you just don’t have that kind of time. Maybe you are a stay at home mom with kids keeping you busy, maybe you work 40 hours a week and come home exhausted, maybe you just couldn’t be bothered with spending the time necessary to really learn how to budget and save. Let me do the hard work for you! I’ve spent hours learning how to save money! I can give you the cliff’s notes version! I also have learned what websites best help me for particular stores. In other words, there are some sites that give AWESOME sales info for Publix while others focus on CVS or Walgreens… I’ve learned where to go for advice and I will help direct you to the right places!
This will take a bit of work for you to get started. But don’t be scared.. with a little work up front, it will be very easy in the future. Your bank account will thank you. And, your pantry and fridge will thank you!
I don’t have a Publix out here. I just TRIED to cut coupons, study grocery store flyers, and I even went to 3 different grocery stores to sae money. All we have out here (in TX) is Kroger, Walmart and Albertsons. Any ideas on what I should do?
Hi Lisa! Here’s a great link for Kroger. This shows exactly what is on sale and matches up all the coupons from Sunday papers and online. If you haven’t used online coupons yet, then now is the time 🙂 Eventually I hope to expand my website to more than just a few stores. But, I have to start small. The biggest tip that I’ve learned (I will be expounding on this on my blog sometime this weekend) is to create a grocery list off of what is on sale not based on your meal plans. So, once you start stocking up on sale items, you will have a large enough stockpile to create tons of mealplans off of your stash. Does that make sense?
Also – Once I come across a good Albertsons website, I will let you know. I will post Walmart deals soon too. 🙂
Liza, this is great! Do you have any tips for Meijer? That’s what we use up North!
Hey Jenn! Here is a good link for Meijer deals.. If I see any others, I will let you know. The biggest key is to maximize their weekly savings with coupons. I will be adding high value (i.e. coupons that get you cheap/free food) coupons to this blog soon. Even though we have different groceries stores down south, you and I can still use the same coupons 🙂