Woohoo! Look at this high value BOGO Schick Disposable Razor Pack coupon that just came available tonight! See, it’s always good I check the deals once more before I go to bed. 😉 This is guaranteed to get us at least 50% off, but paired with another BOGO sale, we can get this for FREE! Print now and keep your fingers crossed.
Go HERE to print your coupon (this is the direct link).
There is a $6 off 2 coupon out there somewhere. It expires 10/24/12.
I’m somewhat ashamed that i have no idea where i got it 🙁
there is also a $3 off 2 target coupon in the 8/26 SS! 🙂
I went to Kroger today and they have the Quattro for $6.17 with Kroger card. I bought 2 and the cashier somehow let me use my BOGO and $6.00 off. So, for 6 razors I spent $.17 Needless to say I was happy 🙂