There is a new $0.75/1 Kashi Frizen Entree or Pizza product coupon available! Printable Kashi coupons have become very rare so print now if interested! To print, go HERE and click the “foods” category to find quickly. (I found this under zip 34655.)
**There is also a $2/4 Kashi Products Target Store coupon HERE .
At Publix starting this Thursday, July 14th (or Wednesday depending on where you live, Kashi frozen entrees will be on sale:
Kashi All Natural Entrees, assorted, 9 or 10 oz box, 4 for $10
Buy 1 Kashi Entree, $2.50
Minus four $0.75/1 Kashi Frizen Entree or Pizza product coupon (will need multiple computers)
Minus one $2/4 Kashi Products Target Store coupon HERE (if your store accepts Target coupons)
Total Due: $5.00 or $1.25 each