This is a great coupon for these hot summer days! You can print out a $1.00/1 Edy’s Fruit Bars coupon. In order to print your coupon, go HERE and vote for the community that will receive a fruit orchard. After voting, you can print your coupon. **I haven’t printed this yet – it seems that the coupon is printing best in Firefox so if it doesn’t print in your current browser, try using Firefox..
Thanks Maven of Savin
this printed perfectly for me in Google Chrome, i also got 2. 🙂
I didn’t get anything.
it says voting starts Aug 1 st. I did not get anything
Can someone explain to me how to vote!?!? Because dot not give the option???? HELP!!!
after you click on the link scroll down and click “vote and save $1”, it will open a new page with a map(loaded slowly for me), you must select a location on the map. Then click on “plant my vote” (this went slow too). then click print coupon, it is a bricks Q so you can print twice! hope this helps. Also you have to register if you havn’t already.
Thanks for your help Danielle but for me it says voting starts Aug 01, so i didn’t get any coupon. 🙁