If you buy Barber Stuffed Chicken, turn your printers on and print this great coupon! Go HERE to print a $1.50/1 Barber Foods Coupon. **These regularly go on sale BOGO at Publix and many other grocery stores so with a sale we will get an awesome deal!
Thanks Savvy Spending
I love when these are BOGO at Publix, but I only buy as many as I have coupons for. This is pretty much the only kind of chicken my oldest will eat without a fight, so in between BOGO’s at Publix, I stop at Sweetbay and purchase additional packages. Publix charges $4.99 per box (at my local store) which makes for a killer deal on a BOGO with coupons (.99/box). SweetBay’s price is only 3.49, so even with a coupon I am only paying $2/box. I know this is still double Publix’s price, but it’s a far cry from $4.99/box. Happy couponing!
My Publix in Hernando, Citrus County, has these on sale this week for $3.49