If you shop at Sweetbay (or a Publix that accepts Sweetbay coupons), go HERE to print this HOT $10.00 off $50.00 coupon! This coupon was emailed out in their weekly email! This coupon is valid 8/1/12 – 8/11/12.
Thanks Kelly for emailing me this 🙂
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by Liza
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If you shop at Sweetbay (or a Publix that accepts Sweetbay coupons), go HERE to print this HOT $10.00 off $50.00 coupon! This coupon was emailed out in their weekly email! This coupon is valid 8/1/12 – 8/11/12.
Thanks Kelly for emailing me this 🙂
Is this coupon okay to use? Mine printed funny so I was curious/
mine printed but with no words????????????????
Not sure if you are planning on using this at Publix but I had a slight issue today at my location . I printed the coupon in black/white ink and Publix refused to accept it at first because they said it could be a xerox copy and they don’t accept photocopies. I said I would go home and print it in color but then they decided to accept it. She also said the manager has to approve any coupon over $5.00. This is the first time I have ever heard that. I think they are feeling it with the competitor coupons.