Be on the lookout in tomorrow’s 7/29 RedPlum Coupon insert for this $10/1 Accu-Chek Nano Smartview. If you get this coupon, you can score FREE Accu-Chek Nano at a couple different store!
Here are the deals:
Buy one Accu-Chek Nano Blood Glucose Monitor :$9.72 (on Roll Back)
Use one $10/1 Accu-Chek Nano Smartview ( 7/29 RP Insert)
Total due: FREE + possible overage!
Buy one Accu-Check Nano Blood Glucose Monitor $9.99
Use one $10/1 Accu-Chek Nano Smartview (7/29 RP Insert)
Total due: FREE
Buy one Accu-Check Nano Blood Glucose Monitor: $9.99
Use one $10/1 Accu-Chek Nano Smartview (7/29 RP Insert)
Total due: FREE
*Be sure to submit for the Try Me Free rebate found inside the box for a possible money maker! Also, if you don’t use this product, it makes for a great donation item!
Thanks and photo credit, I Heart the Mart!
Just a heads up, most stores only seem to have 1 or 2 of these out. I would move quickly on this one, or be prepared to get a rain check.
I have a few of these coupons but no use for this product. Does any know where to donate them??
I could use this coupon sooo badly does anyone have a site i can print them off at???