There is a new $1.00/1 Sundown Naturals Coupon available on! I love this coupon because right now if you use two $1/1 Sundown manufacturer coupons with one $6.00/2 Sundown Naturals Publix Store Green Advantage Flyer coupon, you can score FREE vitamins plus overage (if your store allows). To print, go HERE. (I found this under zip 34655)
**I will post the entire Green Advantage flyer coupons & matchups tomorrow. 🙂
The coupon that I found under that zip code was for the sundown natural products only. It does not say that it is that OR the marvel comic vitamins. Will it still work??
It will work! 🙂 I used an older picture I have saved on my computer but the one you are looking at is the right one 🙂
i am new to this couponing and i’m confused. i have the save $6 off 2 sundown vitamins. but the printable $1 off coupons says “limit one coupon per purchase.” how can i use 2 of them if it says that? thanks for your help. this coupon thing is confusing!
I’m with Andrea….not sure how you can stockpile anything with overages because the store always says limit one coupon per purchase. How does that work?
Hi Andrea & Kimberly! 🙂 Okay – if a coupon says “Limit One Coupon Per Purchase,” it is telling you you can use one coupon per item that you put in your grocery cart. Basically, it is saying you can’t use two coupons on one item. However, if the coupon says “Limit One Coupon Per Purchase Per Customer”, it is telling you that you can only use one coupon in the entire transaction. I know this is super confusing. You should have no problem using two of the $1/1 Sundown Vitamins coupon since there are no limitations on one coupon per transaction or customer. Let me know if this helps!
I’m sorry but how did you come up with the free purchase? At my publix the vitamins are $6 each so 2 of them cost $12.
I have 2/$1 coupon and the $6 from the green flier so that is $8. I still have to pay $4 which is not bad its still a good deal I’m just confused how did you come up with free?
At your Publix all the vitamins are priced at $6???? That’s bizarre. My Publix has vitamins at all different prices. And the vitamin D is $2.99 like stated above.
Im confused too..Where is the green advantage flyer? Is that a new one because the one I have says 25% off sundown and 6.00/2 nature maid. Sorry to ask so many questions!
Take a look at the flyer you have, it’s probably expired!
You’ll usually find the newest flyers in the entry way to the store. If not, ask at customer service!
I really like the addicted to savings on my facebook but it really is taking up to much space. Today the add and deals go all the way down my page and more. I just wish it wasn’t a lot of the same thing repeated over and over It is just overloading my fb. I find it harder and harder to find friends among all the repeated adds. Is anyone else having this same problem? I don’t want to stop it but I may have too.