You can print out a HOT $2.00/1 8th Continent Soymilk coupon! If you purchase soymilk, this will get you an awesome deal! To print, go HERE and look on the top right of the page. You should see an icon that says “Find Product.” To the right of that icon is an icon that says “Get Coupon.” Click that link and you can then print out a $2.00/8th Continent Soymilk coupon that expires 12/31/11!!
Thanks Printable Coupons and Deals AND to all of my awesome Facebook Friends who printed out this coupon to confirm its value. You all rock!
This is my favorite soy milk! Thanks 🙂
Thanks so much for this, my kids love this milk and it’s only $2.73 at our Walmart which makes it $0.73 after using this coupon!!!