If you missed this great $2.00/1 Tetra fish Food Coupon last night, it is still available! Go HERE to print it and use zip 34655 if needed. (To change the zip code, click the “Local Coupons” category, type in your new zipcode and then click the “Coupons” category to see all available coupons.)
If you shop at Publix, see the deals below:
- Tetra BettaMin (Tropical Medley) 0.81 oz, $1.49 **$2/1 coupon makes it FREE plus overage
- TetraFin (Goldfish Flakes) 1 oz $1.99 **$2/1 coupon makes it FREE
If you shop at Walmart, see the deal below:
- Tetra Goldfish Flakes, $1.23 **$2/1 coupon makes it FREE plus overage
Thanks I Heart Publix and Making Saving Simple