Wow! We have a HOT deal on Palmolive at Walmart! Pick up a bottle for FREE + a $3.03 MONEYMAKER when you use the $0.50/1 Palmolive coupon from the August 2014 ALL YOU Magazine and submit for this $5 Walmart gift card rebate! To get the rebate, you’ll need to upload a picture of your receipt.
Buy one Palmolive, $2.47
Minus one $0.50/1 Palmolive Coupon, August 2014 ALL YOU Magazine
Pay $1.97 and submit for $5 Walmart gift card
Total Due (after gift card): FREE + $3.03 MONEYMAKER!
- Check out other WALMART DEALS while you’re on Addicted to Saving!
Thanks, Grocery Shop for FREE!
Thanks, Liza! I totally would have missed this! I’ll clip it now and put it in my wallet. (The reason I even HAVE “All You” is because of an awesome subscription deal I got from your blog.)