There is a HOT $5.00/1 Zyrtec printable coupon which I predict will go extremely fast. To print, go HERE to Walmart’s website and scroll down to the bottom where it has the “Get $5 Coupon” link. You can also try printing out the coupon HERE but from the comments I have read on various websites, this link doesn’t look to be working.
If you shop at CVS, see the scenario below to score FREE Zyrtec plus get paid in ECBs for it:
itskellym says
I was able to print it twice!
Renee says
I could not get the coupon to print using Google Chrome. The page just kept flashing. I tried from Internet explorer and had no problems. Was able to print twice. 🙂
Karen (Pinksink) says
I was able to print it twice with Chrome. Renee, when ever chrome does that with SS, I copy and paste the address into IE and it works.
ktoya j. says
Google Chrome is not compatibly with most if not all of the coupon printable programs. I used to have that problem all the time.
Robert Wick says
What is the point of printing it twice? The scenario says “limit 1” Are we going to use it somewhere else,and pay .99 cents? That would bring down our profit to $4.01 correct????
Nicole says
My husband and I both have a card. He has one with his moms address and I have the one with our current address. My husband was able to print one coupon in chrome and print another in IE (that was a surprise to me). This means we have 2 coupons and 2 separate and valid cards to get us $10.