Woohoo! Check you papers people! There is a *HOT* $5/30 Publix store coupon today in many papers. I received mine in the Tampa Tribune which is delivered to our house. It’s an insert that says Publix Breakfast Sale on the front of the insert, and on the back, there is this $5/30 store coupon. The coupon is good June 7th-20th.
Leave a comment if you find one and which paper you find it in! I know it’s in the Orlando Sentinel as well (thanks Who Said Nothing in Life Is Free?).
Thanks Mandi for alerting me to this last night! 🙂
Was in the Tampa Bay Times (home delivered), as well! Will be going to see if I can buy more at the store.
It was also in the Suncoast News in New Port Richey. That’s the little free newspaper everyone gets in their driveway on Tuesday night and Friday night.
Thanks Brenda! I hadn’t even picked up my paper until this evening. We are fortunate to have a few empty houses in our neighborhood so we can grab a few extra papers in the homes nobody lives in!
Found one in the Daily Sun which we deliver to the Villages.
Ours was in the News Star (our weekly free paper) at the newstand. I was able to pick up a couple of copies.
In Brevard county, Florida, the coupon/insert is in the Florida Today newspaper (via home delivery) in the Star Advocate section. Woot woot!!!
It was in The Citrus County Chronicle in FL (home delivery). I was surprised because my copy of the paper ended up having two coupons! Apparently, they printed the back page twice.
Yup – In the Bradenton Herald!
It was in the Orlando Sentinel too!
well, my dad got one in his Tribune but we did not. Not Fair! I dug through recycle twice and couldn’t find it 🙁