There is a HOT deal available today. Today is offering 51% Cash Back on all magazine purchases when you use Ebates! AND – if you have a new account with and this is your first purchase, you will receive an additional $5.00 bonus cash back! This gets even better! As you know, I reference All You Magazine a lot when I do coupon matchups. A subscription to All You Magazine is typically $12.50 per year (go HERE to read my post about this deal). Well, with today’s Ebates/ deal, you can score a one year All You subscription for $9.79 or a two year subscription for $16.66 after you receive your cash back!
Here’s how this will work. You will go to through your Ebates account. You will pay full price for the magazine subscription but approximately 5-7 days from now you will receive a credit of 51% of what you paid in your Ebates account! Ebates sends out rewards checks quarterly as long as you have a cash back balance of $5.01 or more!
Below is how to score an awesome deal on All You Magazine:
1) Go HERE to login/register for Ebates. **If this is your first purchase using Ebates, you will receive a additional bonus of $5.00
2) Click “Shop Now” that is showing next to 51% cash back.
3) A new window will open taking you to Search “All You Magazine” (or any other magazine you would like!)
4) Go to checkout. You will pay $19.97 for a one year subscription to All You or $34.00 for a two year subscription.
5) 5-7 Days from now, you will receive cash back of $10.18 (if you purchase a one year subscription to All You) or $17.34 if you purchase a two year subscription and this will show in your Ebates account. This cash back credit will make your subscription down to $9.79 or $16.66. AND, if this is your first purchase using Ebates, you will receive a additional bonus of $5.00 making your subscription as low as $4.79!!
What other magazine deals are you finding?
Thanks Hip 2 Save
Thanks for this… I got my 2 year subscription. I’m very happy!!!! This definitely beats paying for it at the checkout – and having to make a special trip to get it!!!!
This is my first time using ebates. Could you please explain how I get my rebate?