You can get a great deal on Athenos Greek Yogurt at Publix if you have the right coupons! Right now there is a HOT B1G1 Athenos Greek Yogurt coupon available on Facebook as well as a$0.75/2 Athenos Greek Yogurt coupon. See the scenario below to score four yogurts for $0.42 each!
Buy 4 Athenos Greek Yogurt priced at $1.20 each
Use two B1G1 Athenos Greek Yogurt Coupon (this is a Facebook coupon – print now before it is gone) – this coupon will “cover” the cost of the two free yogurts
Use one $0.75/2 Athenos Greek Yogurt Coupon – this coupon will “cover” the cost of the two yogurts you have to pay for
Total Due: $1.65 or $0.41 each
Thanks I Heart Publix
Thanks. This is my favorite yogurt out there! The one item I will pay full price for 🙂
At my Publix today, I purchased 4, and I gave the checker the 2 BOGO Athenos Greek Yogurt coupons and the one $0.75/2 Athenos Greek Yogurt Coupon. She told I was not allowed to use the $.75 off coupon in addition to the 2 BOGO coupons and handed it back to me. She said if I wanted to, she could get the manager and ask. Since I had melting frozen items, I did not push the issue.
So, this scenario did not work at the store I was at.
Winn-Dixie has a sale on Athenos Yogurt starting tomorrow 2/$2, when you subtract the coupons, should be as low as $.31 each!