Did you take advantage of this deal yet? I posted it over the weekend but wanted to repost it to make sure you didn’t miss it 🙂 This week you can score bags of Chex Mix and/or Bugles for $0.17 each at Walgreens! To prepare for the sale, go HERE to print $0.50/1 Bugles, Corn Snacks, Chex Mix, Pillsbury Baguette, Gardettos. If you have two computers, print this coupon 3 times. See the scenario below:
$1 RR wyb 3 Bugles or Chex Mix, 5.5-8.7 oz, $1.00 each
Buy 3 Bugles or Chex Mix, $1.00 each
Minus three $0.50/1 – Bugles, Corn Snacks, Chex Mix, Pillsbury Baguette Chips, Gardettos, 4.5 oz or larger.
Total due: $1.50
Hey Lisa, I commented on your last post of this deal to let you know about a better deal more than free if you can access more coumputers or Ipods, Iphones, wireless printer,etc to be able to print more coupons. Deal buy 5 bags of Chex Mix (they will all ring up for a $1 each one) use 5 $0.50/1 coupons and pay $2.50 and get back $3 RR or we also have the GM insert I think that coupon is for $0.50/2, or combine them if you can’t access more computers. I already did 2 deals this week and planning for trip #3 =)