**UPDATE – this deal expired Tuesday, 6/5/12. I will post about this deal again if and when it becomes available.
Right now you can score five Enjoy the City coupon booklets for just $25.00 shipped! OR – you can get an even better deal if you order 20 books or more. Orders of 20 or more will be doubled! (see details below) As you know, I love these books because many of them include $5.00 off $30.00 Winn Dixie coupons! Many books also have Panera coupons, Papa Johns coupons, Dunkin Donuts, Sports Authority coupons and more. To score this deal, go HERE. At checkout, paste the coupon code ADDICTED2
- Deal One:Get 5 Enjoy the City Coupon Books for $25.00 ($5.00 per book). Go HERE and at checkout, paste coupon code ADDICTED2
- Deal Two: Order 20 books or more and your order will be doubled (you will get 40 books) making each book $2.50 per book! Go HERE and at checkout, paste coupon code ADDICTED2
I know 40 books sounds like a lot but if you split the order with friends and family, you will get an awesome deal AND tons of $5.00 off $30.00 Winn Dixie coupons to spend at your local Winn Dixie (or Publix – if your Publix accepts them)! Before placing your order, make sure you preview your book to insure that the Winn Dixie coupons are included in it (some cities do not have Winn Dixie coupons).
- If you purchase five Enjoy the City Books , you will pay $25.00 for five books with 20 $5.00/$30.00 Winn Dixie coupons. This gets you $100 worth of coupons to use at Winn Dixie or Publix (if your Publix accepts them).
- If you purchase 20 books, you will get 20 books FREE. You will pay $100 for 40 books making each book $2.50. This gets you $800 worth of coupons to use at Winn Dixie or Publix!
To take advantage of either deal, go HERE. Select five books and pay $25.00 or select 20 or more books and your order will be doubled making each book $2.50. At checkout, paste coupon code ADDICTED2.
**If you order 20 books or more, you will NOT see the doubled order reflected in your “purchased” books. The doubled order is automatically done by Enjoy the City when they ship your books. If you would like to verify that you order has doubled, you can call Enjoy the City at 866-359-2489 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 866-359-2489 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Ext. 215 or Ext. 211.
I tried ordering the book for Tampa. It indicated the price at $20. I put ADDICTED2 under promo code. It indicated not recognized and price at checkout was still $20 per book. Am I doing something wrong. Thanks.
Hi Pam! I just tried the code again and you are right, it is not working today. I am thinking the promotion is over. I am looking into it more. Please assume the promotion has ended unless you hear differently from me.
P.S. Enjoy the City has had a lot of promos lately and I forsee another one coming up in the near future. I will post as soon as it is available.