I posted a Foodsaver.com deal about a month and a half ago now and I know a ton of you took advantage of it – as did I. Today this HOT deal is available again! FoodSaver® FreshSaver® Handheld Vacuum Sealing System with two 2 quart vacuum bags is priced at $19.99 but when you use coupon code J0FV85FS, you will be able to purchase this for $3.85!!! (Shipping is FREE!!) Go HERE
for more info – to find this Vacuum sealer, type in FSFRSH0050-015 in the search box.
*HOT* Foodsaver Handheld Vaccuum System $3.85 incl Shipping
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I was ready to purchase when I read the reviews, seems the bags fail all the time, probably why the price is so low … clearance pricing, $4 is $4 if the product is worthless
I got one to try! I went though http://www.shopathome.com and received 6% cash back for my purchase. The foodsaver system is on my christmas wish list, hpefully Santa will grant me my wish!