has this HOT $3.50/1 Excedrin PM coupon that you can request to have mailed to your house. AND, you can request a mailed coupon for FREE bottle of Excedrin Extra Strength (value $5.99). I of course love the freebie coupon and the $3.50/1 coupon should score us a great deal when we match them with a sale! Go HERE to print your coupon and the ones below:
*HOT* FREE Excedrin Extra Strength (max value $5.99)(zipcode 22222)
*HOT* $3.50/1 Excedrin PM Product any(zipcode 34655 or zipcode 22222)
$2.00/1 Pure & Natural Product(available at Walmart, Target, Kroger, Kmart and Publix)
*still available* $1.00/1 Mrs Butterworth’s Syrup 24 oz+ (zipcode 22222 – if you didn’t print this yesterday when I posted about it, print now – with a sale you will get a good deal!)
$1.00/1 Otis Spunkmeyer Frozen Cookie Dough 1lb (zipcode 22222)
I keep getting an error message that says ‘We’re sorry, we’ve encountered an error. Please try again later’ whenever I try to click on either mail coupon.
Same here
Darn…print limit reached.