**Update – it looks like this offer is over now. The page now says “Due to a Tragic Rise in Mac & Cheese Theft, We are No Longer Offering Coverage.”
I just stumbled on what may be a very HOT offer for you courtesy of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese! Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s Facebook page has a new promotion called “Macsurance.” With Macsurance, you can sign up to receive a mailed insurance policy in case someone steals or sneaks bites from your mac & cheese. And, when you watch the Macsurance commercial on Kraft’s Macaroni & Cheese’s Facebook page, you will see the gentleman below holding the insurance policy with what looks to be a FREE Kraft Macaroni & Cheese coupon on it!! I also looked up the press release for this offer and found a bit more info promising a coupon HERE. To sign up to receive the mailed insurance policy as well as the coupon (fingers crossed it is a FREE coupon like the one pictured below), go HERE to “like” Kraft Macaroni & Cheese on Facebook. Then, click the “Macsurance” category to request your mailed insurance policy. Enjoy! 🙂
Check: Save A Lot Ad, Fry’s Ad in Weekly Circulars.
“Coverage is effective immediately.
You should receive your documentation
in the mail in six weeks. ” ….
is what I got after filling out form! hmmmm
tells me that the promotion has ended due to dramatic rise in Mac Theft 🙁
It says, “We are no longer offering coverage. Consider some self-defense classes or strong language to fend off macaroni thieves.”
It now says….due to a tragic rise in Mac & Cheese theft, we are no longer offering coverage…..This is so depressing….I think it is because of all of the postings that said that you might be able to get a free coupon…..THANKS ALOT
Hi Anonymous! I’m sorry the offer appears to be over! It is my goal to post as many offers as I can – I can not help it when offers end. If it becomes available again, I will update this post.
The promotion ending has nothing to do with the adding of the promo to the website! We’re all here looking for a good deal, don’t you think that maybe they got rid of all the ones they had and maybe they’ll come up with something else??? jeepers!
I need macinsurance certificate for my coworkers
i need my mac and cheese insurance. a bunch of cheese stealers in florida