Today’s Amazon Local deal is perfect for book lovers! Right now they have a FREE voucher to purchase select Kindle Fire Series Books for $1.00 each. There are 37 books to choose from! To view this deal, go HERE.
Fine Print
- This voucher will be automatically applied to your account; please do not place your Kindle ebook order until you have received an e-mail from Amazon Local confirming that your voucher has been applied. The credit may not apply to orders placed in the Amazon Kindle Store prior to the receipt of this confirmation
- Voucher will expire if not used toward a qualifying book purchase from by 11:59 P.M. PST May 22, 2013
- Limit 1 voucher and 37 of the selected books per purchaser; limited voucher quantities available
- Voucher is valid for up to 37 selected Kindle books for $1 each; purchaser will be responsible for payment to for final price of the Kindle books with discount, plus applicable taxes
- Voucher is only valid for select books listed HERE
Thank you thank you thank you! You just made my day. The Hangman’s daughter is one of my favorite series and I wasn’t aware the 3rd book had came out!!! The Beggar King is on that list. I am so excited!!! Thanks again!!!
Yeah!! You are welcome Karen!