has some great new printables that are hot! The $1.00/3 Rice-A-Roni coupon is a new one for me – I have never seen Rice-A-Roni printables before! So, print that now if you are interested and then hold on to it until Rice-A-Roni goes on sale at your local grocery store! has some other great coupons as well. Below are the direct links to each coupon:
$1.00/3 Rice-A-Roni or Pasta Roni boxes, go HERE
$0.50/1 Biscuick or Heart Smart Biscuick 40 oz+, go HERE
B1G1 Greenies Dental Chews (individual wrapped), go HERE
Free Frutista Freeze at Taco Bell when you buy any item, go HERE
$4.00/1 Leap Frog Tag Book over $9.00, go HERE (use zipcode 90210)
$1.00/1 Flintstones Multivitamin, go HERE
$1.00/1 Jamba All Natural Smoothies, go HERE (zipcode 90210)
$1.00/1 Zoye 100% Soybean Oil, go HERE (zipcode 60540)