If you need diapers, be sure to check your local Walgreens. Huggies Little Movers may be on clearance at your store for $3.19. When you combine this deal with the $4/1 Huggies Little Movers Slip On Coupon from the Walgreens Coupon booklet, you can score them for FREE!
Here’s the deal:
Buy one Huggies Little Mover Slip-On Diapers, $3.19
use one $4/1 Huggies Little Movers Slip-On found in the August Monthly Walgreens Coupon Booklet
Total due: FREE
Thanks Wild For Wags for the pic and deal
Just to inform you that our Walgreens here in florida does not exccept coupons that go over the amount the product is. It is illegal by what I was told by a manager. If any cashier gets caught doing it their job can be on the line…thank you for listening
Walgreens website states the following, it does not state any florida specific exclusions:
Sale Items
Walgreens will accept manufacturer coupons for an item that is on sale.
In the event that any item’s selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will only accept the coupon in exchange for the selling price of the item. Coupon redemption can never exceed the selling price of an item and no cash back is ever provided in exchange for any coupons.
I did this a month ago and it worked.Its only up a few days .Run.