**UPDATE – make sure you look under zipcode 90210 – I originally typed the incorrect zipcode. Sorry everyone! I’m drinking my coffee now so hopefully the typos will stop 😉
I stumbled across this HOT coupon you will want to print now! There is a new $1.00/1 Barber Foods Seasons Selects Stuffed Chicken Breast coupon available! I have been wanting to try these and now I’m going to! Go HERE to print (I found these under zipcode 90210).
**These were just on sale BOGO at Publix – hopefully they will go on sale BOGO again before the coupons expire! 🙂
Now its showing $1 off 2.
Hi Derrek – are you in zipcode 90210? I only found the coupon in that zipcode. I just checked and it is still showing for me. Please let me know!
I noticed that BOTH coupons are available under zip code 90210!
Thanks so much!