I wish I knew about this coupon this morning when I did my weekly Publix run. This is an awesome, high value, $2.00/1 Smart Balance printable. Print this NOW if interested. Go HERE to print the $2/1 coupon (use zipcode 06070). You can print this coupon twice.
If you shop at Publix, see the scenario below to score FREE milk:
Smart Balance Milk, Lactose Free Fat Free, 1% lowfat, or Fat Free with Omega 3 and Vit E, half gal ctn, BOGO $3.59 for two Minus two $2.00/1 Smart Balance printable Total Due: FREE plus overage (if your store allows)Thanks Hip 2 Save!
Hey Liza just an FYI
There is a Rebate on this milk in RP of 6/27 (may vary by region) for those who want to hold out until Sunday to get the milk.
Also in my 6/13 RP there is a $2.50 off of SmartBalance Milk (regional?) so it would make it a larger overage and more free milk 🙂
I can’t get the coupon to print. I tried in Firefox and internet explorer. Anyone else having problems?
can’t download coupon either
Hmm. Susan and Samantha.. are you able to get the coupon to show up at all? If zip 06070 doesn’t work, try zip 30157.. It is possible the print limit may have been reached by now…
Liza I don’t even get a chance to enter a zip code, I click on where it says “Click here to download coupons” and nothing happens. I noticed that down the bottom left hand of the screen it says javascript: void (0).
Hey Samantha – I just rechecked the links. It is the correct link but I think the fact that the download coupons link isn’t working must have to do with the fact that either the server has crashed or the print limit has been reached.. I will do some more research and see what I can find out.
I can’t get them either (in both safari and windows)…any suggestions?
I can’t get it to download either. Too bad 🙁
mine says the same as samantha’s.
Looks like a problem on Smart Balance’s end… same prob here. 🙁
I found another way to get the coupon- go to
http://www.commonsensewithmoney.com/2010/06/printable-coupons-more-skinny-cow-buitoni-smart-balance-milk-and-more/ and scroll down til you find the smart balance one! It worked for me!! Also I found a $1/1 coupon in my 6-6-10 red plum!
Thank you!
coupon is printing now
I just printed it too and it was fine….everyone try again!
Thanks for calling and telling me Susan 🙂
Just curious Liza, do you stockpile milk and freeze it?? Milk is still one of our families biggest expenses and I’m still trying to figure out how to save money on it. I love sales like this, but I’m not sure how much I should buy before it goes bad… just curious what you do. Thanks!
When I was growing up we constantly pulled a gallon out of the freezer! LOL That was when they clearanced the milk instead of sending it back.
Take a just bought gallon & pour out about 1/2 cup out of it (maybe it was 1 cup- please experiment with one before freezing/ buying the rest!) Then put it in the freezer upright. The milk will expand to fill the rest of the container! I don’t know if any needs to be taken out of these as it is cardboard & should expand at least a little, but I don’t want the container to burst either!
If my husband likes this milk, we are going to be throwing “a few” in the freezer ourselves!
Thanks for the tip, Michelle, I’ll give that a try. The only milk I’ve ever frozen is breast milk. 🙂