Many of you have asked how to redeem your Enjoy the City voucher that you purchased from Living Social. It isn’t too tricky but there are a few steps you will have to take in order to receive your books. AND – if you haven’t ordered Enjoy the City booklets yet, it isn’t too late. Today, you can order Jacksonville Enjoy the City booklets. I love these booklets because they have $5.00 off of $30.00 Winn Dixie coupons and the coupons can be used at ANY Winn Dixie location or ANY Publix location that accepts Winn Dixie coupons! To read my post, go HERE.
Steps to Redeem your Enjoy the City Voucher:
1) Go HERE to login to your Living Social account
2) Click on “My Vouchers” which is on the top right of your page.
3) Once on your My Vouchers page, click on “View Voucher” which should be next to your Enjoy the City deal (see my picture above)
4) A new window will open with your voucher. On your voucher is the web address for Enjoy the City AND your voucher number. **You must use the web address provided on your voucher to order your booklets.
5) Click the link or paste the web address to go to Enjoy the City. Paste your voucher number that is provided. Click Submit
6) A new page will appear. Enter your mailing info. Click Submit. The books should then be mailed to you.
**If for some reason you have previously ordered your booklets but you have NOT received them, contact Enjoy the City’s customer service. I have found them to be very helpful. Their customer service contact info is HERE.
Let me know if you have any questions! 🙂
Hey Liza – I have been following your page for awhile, and aboslutely love everything you do for us! You truly are my favorite site to visit for the latest deals and matchups. I was looking for some advice on the ENjoy the City books. I’m in orlando, but I’ve bought the other cities ETC books for the same reason you do, the Winn-Dixie coupons. I refuse to check out at Publix and work my shopping and deals around getting the total up to $30 ALWAYS and then getting it down with Coupons and the $5/$30 WD coupon. Here’s my question – how often do the ETC books come out for each city? I find myself ordering 5 books (whatever city available) every other month. There have been A LOT released recently, I bought Gainsville, but unsure if I want to jump on another one as I still have about 16 $5/$30 left in my binder before the Gainsville’s arrive. I definitely want to get the Orlando book when it comes out, because I can use other coupons in that one (it’s where I live). Since all the others are being released, do you see Tampa and Orlando coming out any day now? Thanks!
Thank you so much for this post! I was wondering how its work. I ordered today but i have to wait until the 17th to redeem my books. thanks again Liza
I am so sad that I missed the Tampa book thats for our area…Do we think they’ll bring it back again?
Hi Kyra! Hopefully they will bring the Tampa books back. This is the second or third time I’ve seen deals on Tampa Enjoy the City books so I have a feeling we will see the deal in the future. I will be sure to post it if/when it becomes available again!
Wish they would come out with a Tallahassee ETC book!
Liza! Do you know how long it takes to get the books after redeeming? I did not see a date or timeline for delivery. Thanks