Have a little one in diapers or looking for a great baby shower gift for someone? Check out this deal at Publix – starting in the new ad this week, you’ll be able to get packs of Huggies diapers for as low as $3.49 each after instant savings and coupon stack.
Remember, this deal doesn’t start until 2/24 or 2/25, depending on when your ad cycle begins.
Buy two Huggies Diapers, Jumbo, Big Pack, or Giant Box; or Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants, Jumbo or Big Pack, Assorted Varieties, 18 to 180 ct, $5 off WYB 2 (prices start at $9.99)
Minus two $2/1 PULL-UPS® Training Pants or GOODNITES® Product (Jumbo Pack or larger)
And minus two $2/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants Publix Coupon, “Stop, Shop & Save Big!” Booklet (exp. 3/1)
Total Due: as low as $6.98 or $3.49 each!
- Check out other PUBLIX DEALS while you’re on Addicted to Saving!
Thanks, I Heart Publix!