So… you may have noticed that today I’ve barely worked. There are big things going on in my household that are fully distracting me and I wanted to share with all of you! Many of you know that occasionally I have been updating you with our adoption journey on our blog Addicted to Adoption. (Please note, I am not addicted to adoption at all. We created the blog name strictly b/c of Addicted to Saving. Get it “Addicted”??) Anyways, my hubby and I in the midst of two adoptions in Ethiopia. One of our adoptions we have made major progress on and I wanted to share with you! This Saturday, I am headed out to Ethiopia to meet Baby T. Baby T is a 9 month old boy and my husband and I are excitedly in the midst of adopting him. Through the grace of God, we were able to get an earlier court date that coincided with The Man Up Trip that my husband is on right now. So, this Saturday, I will fly to Africa… By myself. Once there, I will reunite with hubby and we will then get to meet Baby T and spend five days with him. We will attend court (and hopefully pass). We will then come home and Baby T will remain in Ethiopia until we clear Embassy. (This process typically takes around 2 months but can be shorter or much longer depending on how the process goes.) We will then return to Ethiopia to pick up Baby T and bring him home.
I am letting you all know this because you will notice that Addicted to Saving may not have quite as many deals as you are used to while I am gone. 🙂 You may also notice that some of the store ads are later than normal or look different than normal. This is all going to be temporary and I will be back working full-time before you know it! And, I’m going to take time in Ethiopia to blog (assuming the internet is working) about my happenings and what I’m seeing! I’ve never been to Africa before and I’m hoping that while there, I can capture moments to share with all of you so that you can experience Ethiopian life as I’m experiencing it 🙂 Hopefully you will stick around to follow my journey.
As long as I have internet and if Instagram works while I’m in Ethiopia, I plan to post pictures on Addicted to Saving’s Instagram account HERE. And I am planning on blogging about my journey right here at Addicted to Saving.
So many of you have supported my hubby and I this past year as we have shared about our adoption ups and our adoption downs. I’m so thankful for all of your kind words, encouragement, prayers, donations and words of wisdom that you have shared with us. Our journey is not over and in fact, it is just beginning. I’m excited to have you all along for the ride with me.
And with that, I’m going to find some deals to post. 🙂 Thank you all again for being my “friends” over the world wide web.
We adopted our daughter as an infant (4 days old) thru our church’s adoption program. Long time coming, but so worth it. We only had to travel out of state, not out of country. I wish you safe travels and that the journey be worth it. Congratulations, and best of luck and best wishes!
Thank you LaurelB! Right now I’m wishing I could travel within the states! 🙂 BUT, going to Africa is an awesome opportunity and I know it will be eye opening experience for me. So, I’m starting to get excited!
God bless you and travel with you!
Thank you so much.
God Bless you, your husband and Baby T. Adoption is such an amazingly wonderful thing. I haven’t adopted personally, but was in the “delivery room” with my cousin in China for her 2nd little girl. What a wonderful time for your family.
How exciting for your cousin! Thank you for your kind words!
May God bless you, your husband and Baby T during this trip. May you find favor everywhere you turn. May any red tape just be gone and may things happen smoothly in God’s will for you and your family. You are such a blessing to this community Liza.
Vicki – thank you so much. You have been a long time reader and I am so thankful that you have followed me through the years. Thank you for your prayers!
I have followed your journey for a while and felt angry when the domestic one fell through and cried when your baby passed before making it here. I applaud your courage and strength to keep at this. I was so happy when I heard about Baby T on Addicted to Adoption!! I wish you the best of luck and only good thoughts (and news) for you and Jeff!
Wow. Thank you Corey for your encouragement. I can’t say I haven’t wanted to give up. Even now, I experience moments of wavering strength. But the encouragement and excitement of people around me has really carried me through this time. Thank you for everything 🙂
We have 3 adopted kids. It is a joy and priviledge to take care of the orphans. I am excited for you!!! Safe travels. Can’t wait to see some photos.
Praying for you as always, Liza & Jeff! Love you and love baby T already!
Wishing you well on your journey(to Africa and to your baby)!
So happy for you and Jeff! The parenting journey begins and what a blessing it is. Congratulations!!!
Best of luck to you and your (hopefully expanding very soon) family! How exciting for you!! I hope you have a safe trip and all of your goals are accomplished and you get fast results once you get home 🙂 I’ll be watching for updates!
Congratulations! I’m so excited for you 🙂
I am so happy for you and your husband. Enjoy yourself!!
Good luck and Godspeed.
Good luck and best wishes.
I am wishing you both a safe trip. I hope that things go well and that the adoption process goes smoothly. I know how hard things have been during this long process. I am sure that baby T will be so loved!!! Be blessed!
May your travels be safe, your hearts filled with nothing but happiness and your home filled with the joyful sounds of a little one soon. I’ll be praying and watching for updates. God bless all of you!
How exciting! I will think good thoughts!
Thank you so much Roxanne!
So excited for you! Praying things go smoothly and he is home with you soon!
Well, how exciting! God bless.
Praying everything goes smoothly for you. I have been following and reading your blogs for a long time. I am so excited for you. Safe travels. 😀