Have any of you joined Homescan Consumer Panel? I joined a few months ago and I am currently on the waiting list to start with them. Basically, the way they work, once you are on their consumer panel, you will receive a scanner. After you go on grocery shopping trips, you will scan your groceries and then upload them onto your computer into Nielson’s database. (I can see all of you with kids having your kids scan!) Nielson is basically trying to determine what products sell the best much like Nielson ratings for television will determine which tv shows are watched the most. The best part is that you earn points as you scan and you can redeem your points towards prizes!
I haven’t started yet but would love feedback if any of you have already started! And, if you haven’t joined yet, click the banner above to join! The only requirements are that you must have a land line phone. **Tip – I do receive emails almost weekly so I would recommend you use your email address dedictated to couponing! **Tip – there is a waiting list so sign up now if you are interested in doing this in the future!
My dad wrk for Nielson Tv Ratings, and was working on this project!! super cool!
I was on the panel but it was time consuming. You actually have to scan every grocery you purchase and with 4 little kids I did not have time. I originally thought you scanned just a receipt, so I sent mine back in before really seeing how well the program was.
I have been a member of the panel for 6 or more years now. Scanning can be tedious on grocery day (when, for purchases at Walmart, you have to enter every price for each item….but you do get to know prices well after a while), but for most little trips here or there, it is not so bad. My kids (ages 13 and 15) even know how to scan small trips for me. The points add up slowly, so don’t do it if you want a big, quick pay-out. It took me 3 years to get 113,000 points, which I cashed out for an iPod Nano (3rd generation). Now, three years later, I have about that many points again. The prizes are brand name items. There are also montly, quarterly, yearly drawings. Last April I did win a $500 AMEX giftcard! Bottom line, I think you need to be detailed oriented and dedicated to like this program – it is probably not for everyone, but it works for me, and I know one of these years I AM going to win the free car! 🙂
I signed up over a year and a half ago and am still on the waiting list.
hi, i am trying to click on the most recent post of survey’s to try and nothing comes up. It goes to it, and has a url at the top, but not a long one… but it is just a white page. am i doing something wrong?