Make sure you have printed this $0.50/2 Kraft Natural Cheese coupon! Starting this Thursday (or tomorrow – depending on when your sale begins), Publix will have Kraft shredded cheese on sale BOGO! With the coupon, we can get two bags for $1.90 each (or $1.40 each if your store doubles). Go HERE to print your coupon. Change the zip to 12345 and then return HERE to be taken directly to the coupon. Below is the scenario:
Buy two Kraft Shredded Cheese, Assorted Varieties, 6 to 8 oz, BOGO $4.29 for two
Minus one $0.50/2 Kraft Natural Cheese (Zip Code 12345); Includes 8 oz Only
Total Due: $3.79 or $1.90 each (or $1.40 each if your store doubles)
Head HERE to see the current and upcoming Publix Ad and coupon matchups