Are you a member of Kraft First Taste? If so, log in to your account and see if you have a DiGiornos 200 Calorie Portion coupon waiting for you. I had a $1.25 off of one coupon waiting for me! And, I was able to send the coupon out for my friends and they ended up receiving $1.75 off one coupons! If you are not yet a member, go Here to sign up. This is a great way to try new products at greatly reduced prices!
**And, as a reminder, if you are able to print out the DiGiornos coupon by tonight and you live in Florida, Publix will have still have 200 Calorie Portions priced at $2.50 a box. This will get you pizza ranging from $1.25 – $0.75 cents a box depending on which coupon you get!
Thanks, Mom!