This morning, using Rafflecopter, 6 winners were selected for the Kuddles Diaper giveaway! The first winner has won a year’s supply of Kuddles Diapers! The next five winners have won a Kuddles Gift Bag! Below is a list of the winners. Please note – I need to hear back from you by Tuesday, June 17th at 5:00 pm EST. If I don’t hear from you by then, a replacement winner will be chosen!
I have already heard from some of the winners. I have noted below the winners who confirmed their winning emails 🙂
Year’s Supply of Kuddles Diapers Grand Prize Winner
**confirmed** Tina M. tina.m****
Kuddles Gift Bag Winners
**confirmed** Vicky H at vickih*****[email protected]
Anabel L at amd***
**confirmed**Debbie at dmat***
Lora D. at lora***
**confirmed**Carol P. at adopt*****[email protected]
**confirmed** Brianna at briwet******
**confirmed** Mary Alice at mama****
Yay! Liza, I just responded to your email.
Got it Mary Alice!