**Entries for this giveaway have been closed**
I am so pleased to announce that I am participating in another great giveaway extravaganza! This time, ten blogs (including myself) are giving away gift cards. I thought about the type of gift card that I wanted to give away to one of my lucky readers and I figured that a $200 Visa Gift Card might be just what one of you need. Just think – you can put it towards something fun like a purse, something fun and yet practical like new clothing, something necessary like paying your electric bill or something responsible like putting it towards savings. However you use it, I am so excited to be able provide one of you with this great prize!
How to Enter:
You can enter up to five separate times on this post. Do not leave a comment on Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page or email me your entry. It may take some time for your comments to show up on this post as I approve all comments.
1) Mandatory entry: Tell me how you would use your $200 Visa Gift Card if you are the winner.
2) Bonus entry: Sign up to receive Addicted to Saving’s Daily Email HERE. Leave a second comment stating if you are a current or new subscriber.
3) Bonus entry: “Like” Addicted to Saving on Facebook HERE. Leave a third comment stating if you are a new or existing fan.
4) Bonus entry: Spread the word about Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page by posting or sharing one of Addicted to Saving’s posts on your Facebook wall. Leave a fourth comment stating you have done this.
5) Bonus entry: Follow Addicted2Saving on Twitter HERE. Leave a fifth comment stating if you are a current or new follower.
Giveaway is provided entirely by Addicted to Saving. Giveaway period ends Sunday, March 4, 2012 on or after midnight EST
Also, be sure to enter for more awesome prizes with the other 9 participating bloggers! Click on each blog name to be directed to their unique giveaway. Keep track of which ones you’ve entered by printing off this Leap Day Giveaway Extravaganza Check List.
- Stockpiling Moms$250 Target Gift Card from Ebates
- Dealicious Finds$300 Amazon Gift Card
- A Few Shortcuts$300 Cash from Ebates
- A Thrifty Mom$200 in Visa Gift Cards
- Frugal Living & Having Fun$200 Amazon Gift Card
- Addicted To Saving$200 Visa Gift Card
- Smart Couponing $250 Amazon Gift Card
- Wicked Cool Deals$200 in TJ Maxx Gift Cards
- Saving with Amy$200 Gift Card to DealYard.com
- Christian Clippers $250 Cash from Ebates
diane jones says
I would go to publix and get great buys!
diane jones says
Current subscriber.September
diane jones says
existing subscriber
diane jones says
Posted Family c offer. Thannks
Karna says
I would buy spring/summer clothes for my kids!
Vanetta says
This gift card would definitely be used to pamper my 4 year old since I am currently a full time student on a student budget
tonia says
I would by my grand kids some new cloths and me a new microwave
tonia says
I like you on FB
Jennifer says
I would use it towards a new kitchen!
Shannon Gallagher says
I’d buy myself some clothes!
Joyce says
Use it toward the power washer my hubby wants
Shannon Gallagher says
email subscriber!
lovescrissangel at hotmail dot com
Shannon Gallagher says
I like Addicted to Savings on FB as Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher
Nicole May says
I would buy my son new bedding, and then I would use the left on necessities like detergent, diapers, etc.
Shannon Gallagher says
Following on Twitter as @ShannonGallagh2
Nicole May says
I subscribed to Addicted To Savings daily newsletter. picnicinmay at yahoo dot com
Nicole May says
I already like Addicted to Savings on Facebook.
Nicole May says
I already follow Addicted to Savings on Twitter. @TibMay
Becky Van Volkinburg says
If I won i would put the money towards my anniversary weekend away!
Dana W says
If I win the giftcard, I will use it to pay for part of my doctors visit and blood test. I unfortunately dont have insurance and have been experiencing low blood sugar so this would really help. Thanks
Dana W says
I am already subscribed to receive your daily email 🙂
Dana W says
I already Like you on FB 🙂
Dana W says
I am already following you on Twitter 🙂
Sadie says
Half would go to church, and the other half would be spent stockpiling dog food.
Ellen C. says
I would use it towards my daughter’s birthday party. Thanks for the chance.
Sadie says
I follow you on fb
Ellen C. says
I follow you on twitter.
Maggie W says
I would use it to help my son & dil with some ‘necessities’ on their first Army move (and the first time their without family nearby 🙁
Ellen C. says
I like you on facebook.
Maggie W says
Following on Twitter @nativekatt
Maggie W says
subscribed to the email – [email protected]
emily dixon says
we are having our 5th baby and she needs a bed. I would buy her a new bed!!
Maggie W says
A longtime FB friend 🙂 Magz Waterhouse
I would use it to help pay my taxes! (Somehow I underpaid, and well… I owe… )
Jennifer Scott says
I would use it to buy groceries… it may take me a long time to use it following your posts! Because I save so much money!! Thanks!
Jennifer Scott says
I am a current follower on facebook.
Beth Hargett says
I would use the $200 to buy clothes for my children. Things have been really tight since I lost my job. Thank you for the chance!
Heather P says
There is no time like now that I can use this. My husband has heart problems, and we have been making weekly trips to a doctor 1 1/2 hours away. He will be having another surgery within the month. We have a lot of bills. There is a caselot sale going on at our local grocery store, and I would love to add to my food storage. I would be so grateful if I won this.
Tenielle S says
I would use it to help pay bills or put into savings for our trip to NYC in Dec!
Beth Hargett says
I signed up to receive your emails.
Beth Hargett says
In response to my last post, I am a new subscriber.
Amber says
My birthday is March 18th so I’d love to treat myself to a day at the salon! Thanks so much 🙂
Beth Hargett says
I like Addicted to Saving on Facebook and I am a new fan! 🙂
Amber says
I like you on Facebook (Amber H)
Amber says
I follow you on Twitter (roomofmyown)
Beth Hargett says
I posted about this giveaway on my Facebook page! 🙂
Tenielle S says
I am a new subscriber to your email!
Beth Hargett says
I am a new follower of Addicted2Saving on Twitter. (hargygirl)
Tenielle S says
I am a facebook follower!
Teresa Alexander says
I would use this gift card for stuff for my daughter who is a senior!
Tenielle S says
I shared the giveaway on my FB page!
Trina says
I would buy my daughter some new clothes.
Tenielle S says
I am following you on twitter! @tstanbrough
Mary Johnson says
I would use the $200 gift card to take my kids skiing before the snow melts. 🙂
Mary Johnson says
I already like you on facebook. 🙂
Lindsey says
I would buy myself some much needed new clothes.
Kerry says
New follower
Lindsey says
I like you on facebook
Heather P says
New e-mail subscriber:)
Kerry says
I would use the $200 to purchase items for the packages I send to the troops who are currently deployed overseas.
Heather P says
Like addicted to savings on facebook. 🙂
Pat Rogers says
I would get necessities………..
Sonja says
Always swore that when I had the extra money, I would make a big purchase at Walgreens or CVS to collect the RR’s and ECB’s… Then try to use those to buy other things that give ECB’s and RR’s and continue shopping for free at the drug stores!! This always seems to work well for things that are expensive, like TP and laundry detergent!
Heather P says
New twitter follower
Heather P says
shared on facebook
Helene Tienda says
I would use the money for a wi-fi ereader/table.
Lisa Herndon says
I’d use it to buy new shock absorbers for the car. 🙂
Helene Tienda says
I am subscribed to your newsletter
Sonja says
I am a new subscriber
Helene Tienda says
I have liked you on facebook
Michelle says
I would use the money to add to our fund to fix our roof.
Helene Tienda says
I have shared the giveaway on Facebook
Michelle says
I like you on FB
Helene Tienda says
I am following you on Twitter!
Michelle says
I get your emails already
Sonja says
I am a new fan on Facebook
Heather Edwards says
I’d spend the cash on some new clothes for my family!
Michelle says
I shared on FB
Heather Edwards says
I signed up for Emails to Addicted to Savings!
Ann L says
I would put it toward the grocery budget this month. Thanks so much for having these fun giveaways Liza!
Heather Edwards says
I liked Addicted to Savings On Facebook already!
Tania S. says
I would buy by clothes and shoes for my kids.
Sonja says
I shared your post about this giveaway on my FB page
Heather Edwards says
I am now following Addicted to Savings on Twitter
Heather Edwards says
I shared a Facebook post on Facebook about this giveaway!
Sonja says
I am a new follower on twitter
Tracy Williams says
I would use it for groceries.
Tania S. says
I signed up to receive Addicted to Saving’s Daily Email.
Tania S. says
I’m already a follower of Addicted2Saving on Twitter. (@taniascott)
Jessica says
I would put the money towards my upcoming wedding in October!
Tracy Williams says
current subscriber
Jessica says
I am a current subscriber
Tracy Williams says
existing facebook fan
Jessica says
I am an existing fan.
Julie H says
I would use the money toward something special for my newborne who came into the world on Feb 23rd.
Julie H says
I am a current subscriber
Julie H says
I am an existing Facebook fan
Julie H says
I am an existing twitter follower
Julie H says
I shared a link on Facebook.
Shelly Dalton says
Both my daughters birthdays are in March. If I won I would use the money to take them both to a Mother Daughter Tea, to celebrate 🙂
Shelly Dalton says
I’m a current subscriber. I love the site <3
Jayne Cacioppo says
I would use it toward a trip I’m planning, to visit my son in Chicago this summer. That would come in real handy!!!
Jayne Cacioppo says
I already receive your email 🙂
Jayne Cacioppo says
I’m an existing FB fan
Jayne Cacioppo says
I’m a new Twitter follower 🙂
Jolene says
I would definately go shopping for me and my 2 boys as well as buy groceries.
Jolene says
Current Daily E-mail Subscriber!
Jolene says
Current Facebook fan as that is how I found out about the giveaway!
Jolene says
Current follower on Twitter!
Allicia says
I would use it to buy groceries for a few weeks. I’m having a hard time affording groceries and paying bills right now.
Paul says
I would buy my mom something nice & buy a couple bags of catfood 🙂 Existing user on Face Book
Patricia Lobitz says
I would buy clothes for my florida trip and a birthday present for my granddaughter.
Patricia Lobitz says
I like you on facebook.
David Jackson says
I would spend it on clothes for my family or something fun , sometimes it’s hard to justify certian things with the price of gas and all these days.
David Jackson says
I signed up for the daily email
Tiffany says
I would buy stuff for my wedding!
Tiffany says
I am a new subscriber for the email
David Jackson says
i’m a facebook fan
Tiffany says
New Facebook fan
David Jackson says
i’m an old twitter follower
Lisa McFadden says
I would use the $200 for groceries, of course! And due to your great couponing tips and weekly shopping match ups, I can make it last and last!!!
David Jackson says
i shared this post on facebook
Lisa McFadden says
I continue to be a fan on FB!
Sunny Muir says
I would buy shoes and shelves with my gift card.
Sunny Muir says
i would buy shoes and shelves
Sunny Muir says
I subscribe to the your feed
Sarah L says
I’ll put it toward an Amazon Fire.
Thanks for the contest.
Sunny Muir says
I would buy shoes and shelves 🙂
Sarah L says
FB like you: Slehan (old)
Sunny Muir says
I already like you on fb
Sarah L says
FB share:
Sunny Muir says
I would buy shoes and shelves 😉
Michelle H says
I would put it towards a new dishwasher! Mine has been broken for some time now, and I miss it!
sherry says
Given as a gift to my Daughter expecting her 3rd with toddler twins in 2 months after tithing to our Church.
Sarah L says
Twitter follow you: slehan
Michelle H says
I am a current subscriber to your daily email. Thanks for all you do!
Michelle H says
I am a current Facebook fan of Addicted to Saving….love it!!
Debbie Stuebs says
I would use it to pay for my 2 little ones upcoming birthdays.
Debbie Stuebs says
Follow you on Facebook
maribel says
My husband and I recently started the Dave Ramsey program, so I would you the money to “fill on the my envelopes” so then I could use the actual money in the envelope to pay off a bill.
denay says
i would go shopping
denay says
im a new subscriber
denay says
i’m an exsisting user
denay says
i shared on facebook
denay says
i’m a new follower
Delia Crowe says
I would love to redo my bedroom… I would use the money for that !!!
Delia Crowe says
I follow you on Twitter !!!