Yeah Mary! I post the coupon matchups for 20+ stores each week. You can print your grocery list right from my site! Hopefully this will make your shopping trips easier!
Regarding organizing your binder, what I did is separated my binder via category. So I had sections like: dairy, pet food, frozen foods, desserts, etc. You can really organize your binder however you see fit! Organize your binder in a way that makes sense for you 🙂
]]>Hi there – I tried submitting your email address but received a message that it has already been submitted. If you have an alternate address, let me know and I will try it. Thanks.
]]>Hi Bill! That is not normal. Assuming you are printing out a manufacturer coupon, there should be a bar code.. Did you download the printer app? (Websites like and require that you download the app.)
]]>Beverly Miller