I’m happy to see this $1/4 Libby’s Vegetables Products coupon is back, b/c it means we can get affordable canned veggies! You’ll need to punch in the zip 77477, then come back here and CLICK THIS LINK to be take directly to the coupon (if you do this and the coupon’s not there, it means it reached the print limit).
Even better, you can score Libby’s for cheap this week at Albertsons, where they’re on sale for $0.59 each. So, here’s the Albertsons deal:
Buy four Libby’s Canned Vegetables, 14.5-15 oz, $0.59 (w/ in-Ad coupon)
Minus one $1/4 Libby’s Vegetables Products coupon (zip 77477)
Total Due: $0.34 each!
- You can view other High Value Coupons or the full Albertsons (Florida) Ad while you’re on Addicted to Saving.