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Life is messy isn’t it? I’m sitting here working and posting deals while hubby has our two year old outside and running around. They went to IHOP this morning to get their free pancakes (make sure you donate to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals AND tip your waiter/waitress). And now they are home. Our son has a full belly and is hyped up from the chocolate chip pancakes. So they are outside running around.
I’m here typing away and looking at our messy house. Toys are everywhere. The sink has unwashed dishes – even though I cleaned all of the dishes before going to bed last night. The dirty dishes are endless. The washer machine has clean clothes in it but they need to be put in the drier. The bathrooms all need a deep clean. And yet I can’t do any of that right now since I need to work. It’s so funny. As a mom, I always deal with guilt. I feel guilty for having to work. I feel guilty for playing with my son when I know I need to work. I feel guilty for having a dirty house. I feel guilty for cleaning the house when I could be reading or investing more time into my son. I feel guilty for being so tired and for not investing time into myself or my devotions. And yet I just carry on. There really isn’t an answer to my guilt. Life is messy. Life isn’t perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect house or a perfect job or a perfect spouse or a perfect self. I’m so imperfect it isn’t even funny. So as I type all of this and look at the toys all over my house, I’m okay with it. My son had FUN playing with the toys. And now he is having FUN playing outside with daddy. And when he comes in, he’ll play with the toys and have more FUN and make more of a mess. And then, before naptime, I’ll make him clean up and while I’ll try to make the process fun, and while I’ll try to sing the Clean Up Song in tune, there is a good chance he will fight clean up and maybe have to go into time out.
(Why do kids hate clean up so much?) All this to say, if you are looking around at your life right now and thinking that it is messy, know that you are not alone. I promise. I’m right there with you. And I would venture to say that hundreds of thousands of other people are right there with us. Don’t be afraid of a mess. Live with it and try to find some beauty in it. Watching my son play with his toys and learn new skills with his toys and pretend with his toys is beautiful. And it makes me forget that there are toys everywhere. That is beauty. <3