I know I’ve posted about the Rite Aid and Walgreens sales for the $2.00/1 Lindt Product (3.5oz or greater) coupon, but if you don’t want to wait until the sales or only shop at Publix, you can grab these this week for just $0.59!
Here’s the deal:
Buy one Lindt Chocolate Bars, 3.5 oz, $2.59
Minus one $2.00/1 Lindt Product (3.5oz or greater) coupon
Total Due: $0.59!
I’m preparing my list now for Publix and this will definitely be on it! See all the Publix deals for this week’s Publix Weekly Ad by going HERE.
Amekins says
My Publix had these on sale for 2.00$ this week so they were free!