Am I the only person that didn’t understand this concept when I got married? As a young (too-young), engaged senior in college, I envisioned my future married life to be a fairy tale. I definitely was not envisioning the reality of what marriage is like after heart-ache, financial problems, infertility, loss and arguments. When I saw this quote on Pinterest today, it spoke to me. And encouraged me. I wanted to post it hoping that it would encourage you too. Love is a choice. Sure, there may be moments of fairy tales in your lives, but I’m thinking that more of your days are like mine – hard. Choose to continue on. <3
Am I the only person that feels this way? I would love to hear your thoughts on marriage, love and choices.
You are not the only one. I have been with my husband for 33 years and every day i wake up
to put one foot in front of the other. Yes there is fairy tale days, but married life is hard and you
have to work for you family every day.