I absolutely love this recipe. I know that within the past year, I would see a plethora of pureed and mashed cauliflower recipes online and on pinterest. I never tried any of them until this past winter when I had cauliflower in my fruit & veggie coop bin. I knew right away I wanted to try using cauliflower in different ways than typical steamed or roasted cauliflower. (In fact, go HERE to see my Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe!) For the mashed cauliflower above, I didn’t follow any recipes. Instead, I pretty much followed the same steps as making regular mashed potatoes except alternated the potatoes for cauliflower! Pictured above is the Mashed Cauliflower topped with my Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe and Pesto & Cheese Stuffed Chicken Recipe. YUMMO.
Below is a picture of the cauliflower as it was pureed in the food processor. (recipe is below)
Finished Mashed Cauliflower pictured below
Mashed Cauliflower Recipe
1 head of cauliflower, chopped
1 ½ tbsp. of butter
¼ cup of milk
1/3 cup of grated parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste
green onions for garnish
1. Chop cauliflower into small chunks and place in boiling water for 8 minutes
2. Drain cauliflower well, then place in a food processor and run for 1-2 minutes
3. Add in butter, milk, cheese and process again until at desired consistency (2-3 minutes)
4. Add in salt and pepper and process one last time
5. Remove and add green onions on top for garnish before serving
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